Are you wondering if you can mix bleach and Pine-Sol for a deeper clean?
Maybe you’ve been told not to mix these two cleaning products, but nobody has explained why.
In this article, I explain why you cannot mix Pine-Sol with bleach and the steps to take if you’ve already done so.
So, if you want to know how to use Pine-Sol or bleach safely, keep reading.
Use the links below to navigate the article:
- Can You Mix Pine-Sol and Bleach? The Short Answer
- Why You Should Not Mix Pine-Sol and Bleach
- What to Do if You Already Mixed Pine-Sol and Bleach
- What Can You Mix With Pine-Sol?
- What Can You Mix With Bleach?
- Final Thoughts
Can You Mix Pine-Sol and Bleach? The Short Answer
If you’re wondering if you can mix Pine-Sol and bleach, the short answer is no. You shouldn’t mix Pine-Sol and bleach because doing so is extremely dangerous.
The active ingredient in Pine-Sol is glycolic acid. According to the Department of Health, mixing chlorine bleach with acid produces chlorine gas.
Chlorine gas irritates mucous membranes, causing coughing, breathing problems, and burning eyes. Higher concentrations of chlorine gas can cause more serious ailments or even death.
Both Pine-Sol and bleach manufacturers caution against mixing their products with other cleaners.
Clorox, the leading manufacturer of bleach, warns against mixing bleach with any other cleaning solution. On, it states, “We don’t recommend mixing [Clorox® Bleach] with other household chemicals, since toxic fumes could result.”
That warning is also on the back of Clorox bleach bottles:

Pine-Sol gives the same advice. states, “We do not recommend mixing any Pine-Sol® product with other cleaning products or chemicals. Mixing cleaners can result in the release of hazardous gases.”
Since The Clorox Company owns both the Clorox and Pine-Sol brand, I reached out to one of its product specialists to confirm what I read on Clorox and I asked the specialist, “Is it safe to mix Pine-Sol and bleach? If not, why?”
The product specialist responded and said, “We do not recommend mixing any Pine-Sol product with other cleaning products or chemicals. Mixing cleaners can result in the release of hazardous gases.”
Here’s a screenshot of our conversation:

The bottom line — mixing Pine-Sol and bleach is dangerous, and you should never do it.
Why You Should Not Mix Pine-Sol and Bleach
You should avoid mixing bleach with Pine-Sol, as well as vinegar or ammonia. But why?
Vinegar and Pine-Sol both produce chlorine gas when mixed with bleach, while ammonia and bleach produce chloramine.
Chlorine gas is hazardous to human health. When inhaled, chlorine gas causes coughing, trouble breathing, burning eyes, and a runny nose.
In confined areas or from prolonged exposure, it can cause dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and chest tightness.
In high enough concentrations, chlorine gas can cause pneumonia and even death.
Chloramine is an organic compound that causes the same symptoms as chlorine gas, plus intense chest pain.
It’s present in chlorinated swimming pools and results from the chlorine in the water reacting with acid and ammonia. The acid and ammonia come from body waste (sweat and urine).
Have you ever swam in a heavily chlorinated pool with a potent chemical-like smell? Most likely, you were inhaling chloramines. According to the CDC, chloramines are especially present in indoor pools where the air circulation is poor.
The bottom line is that mixing Pin-Sole and bleach produces gas that can be extremely harmful to your health.
You can learn more about the effects of breathing chlorine gas from Healthline or The Washington Department of Health.
What to Do if You Already Mixed Pine-Sol and Bleach
First, you should take every possible precaution to ensure you don’t mix Pine-Sol and bleach by mistake.
Store the cleaners in separate places, and don’t clean an area with another cleaner until the previous cleaner has dried completely.
You can also wash an area with plain water after use to ensure no residual bleach or Pine-Sol is left behind.
If you’ve already mixed Pine-Sol and bleach, the first thing you should do is ventilate the area. Open as many windows and doors and turn on as many fans as possible.
Before disposing of the chemicals, be sure to use the proper safety equipment. Gloves are necessary, but goggles, masks, and long sleeves are ideal if you have them available.
If the mixture is contained in a bucket, you can dilute it with water and dispose of it down the sink drain.
If you already applied the mixture to a surface, carefully pour water on the area before mopping it up. Be sure to rinse your mop thoroughly.
Keep small children or pets away from any mixed cleaning products, even small amounts. Children and pets are more susceptible to toxic fumes.
Don’t hesitate to contact poison control or a local hazardous waste management company if you’re unsure what to do.
What Can You Mix With Pine-Sol?
According to its FAQs page, Pine-Sol doesn’t recommend mixing its products with any other household cleaners.
The proper way to use Pine-Sol is to mix ¼ cup per gallon of warm water. Then clean the surface with the solution on a cloth or sponge. There’s no need to rinse a surface after using Pine-Sol, except when used on rubber or asphalt tiles.
The main ingredient in Pine-Sol is water, and the primary active ingredients are propylene glycol and benzoic acid. These acids cut through dirt and grime and eliminate bacteria.
Pine-Sol Original is an excellent disinfectant cleaner that works well on its own, so there’s no need to mix with other cleaners.
Note that only Pine-Sol original disinfects, while the scented multi-surface cleaners are formulated to cut through grease and grime but do not kill viruses and bacteria on contact. Pine-Sol Original kills 99.9% of germs.
For more information regarding product safety, please consult Pine-Sol’s safety data sheets.
What Can You Mix With Bleach?
If it isn’t clear by now, the only thing you should mix with bleach is water. DO NOT mix bleach with any cleaning products or chemicals.
Bleach contains high amounts of chlorine, which is poisonous in its base form. That is why bleach is one of the most dangerous cleaning agents to mix.
It’s also pointless to mix bleach with other products because it’s a potent formal on its own. Again, you should only ever mix bleach with water.
Final Thoughts
Bottom line — mixing bleach with Pine-Sol produces chlorine gas that can be harmful or even toxic. Never do it.
If you’ve accidentally mixed bleach and Pine-Sol, open all windows and doors and ventilate the area as much as possible. Dilute the mixture with water and dispose of it down the drain.
Not only should you not mix bleach and Pine-Sol, but you also shouldn’t mix bleach or Pine-Sol with any cleaning products, ever. The results can be dangerous, and both of these products are strong enough to clean and disinfect with water alone.
If bleach or Pine-Sol isn’t doing the job, it’s probably because you’re trying to clean a mess that requires a different product, like oil or paint. In those cases, search for a specialty cleaner better suited for the job.
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